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What Makes Successful Leaders Triumph And Body Language Codes

What makes successful leaders triumph and body language codes to look for when negotiating. I was taking a class on “successful negotiation and how to analyze my clients and I came across this useful set of videos online so I decided to share it. You never know when it will be your turn to be on the negotiation table. Learn and be prepared.

TED Talk: How Body Language and Micro Expressions Predict Success – Patryk & Kasia Wezowski

How Body Language and Micro Expressions Predict Success – Patryk & Kasia Wezowski

TED Talk: How Body Language and Micro Expressions Predict Success – Patryk & Kasia Wezowski – Founders of http://CenterforBodyLanguage.com

Non-verbal communication can predict anybody’s success or failure. Research of Patryk & Kasia Wezowski has proven that decoding somebody’s “Body Language Code™” can predict the outcome of presidential elections or your inborn potential to have an advantage in negotiations. Knowing how to read “micro expressions” is probably the most effective way to connect more with people and the most crucial skill to prevent the increasing social autism caused by today’s technological innovations.

Patryk & Kasia Wezowski are the Founders of the Center for Body Language, the World’s #1 Body Language Training for Business. They developed over a dozen non-verbal communication training programs tailored for Sales, Recruitment, Leadership and Negotiations. Their methodologies and conversation strategies are being taught in local languages by 35 international representatives in 15 countries.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

FULL MICRO EXPRESSIONS Analysis in 4K LIE TO ME Style – Micro Expressions Training as in Lie To Me

Free 2 Month Body Language Course: http://centerforbodylanguage.com/freey

Lie To Me is based on the science of reading Facial Expressions. FREE Facial Expressions Test on: http://www.MicroExpressionsTest.com/f…

This video is an extract from our online Micro Expressions training. Learn how to detect facial expressions like in Lie To Me on our Micro Expressions Practitioner courses: http://www.MicroExpressionsTrainingVi…

Micro Expressions Training Videos is the world’s most advanced training program with videos to learn to detect lies, using Micro Expressions. Facial expressions are very short muscle movements, and these facial cues are one of the most reliable signs of what somebody really feels. Micro Expressions are very useful for reading Body Language, detecting lies, negotiations and building more authentic relationships.

If you have questions about our courses, contact us on support@microexpressionstrainingvideos.com

Free Micro Expressions Test: http://www.microexpressionstest.com/f…

More about Kasia Wezowski & Patryk Wezowski:

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