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Tools I Use

Make Money Online Tools

Creating a successful internet home business is not an easy task. That is a fact. It takes hard work and a whole lot of strategic planning. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably trying to sell you something! Building any solid business takes hard work and planning. Why should creating a successful business on the Internet be any different? Just because you’re dealing with computers and a worldwide marketplace doesn’t mean it will be easy to construct and build a successful enterprise. It will take some work and effort on your part.

However, knowing what tools to use and some vital marketing knowledge will make your task much easier and much quicker. The Internet does have its unique tools and methods which you should be familiar with before you start any web business. Complete knowledge of these marketing tools and information will greatly increase your chances of creating a successful Internet business.

Most professional online marketers keep graphics to a minimum and highlight their main benefit or product in a headline at the top of their web page. You only have a few seconds to impress your prospective customer so summarize your whole site in one short benefit-loaded phrase or slogan. Be precise in your presentation.

I have been able to gather some very valuable tools (s) – Paid and Free – used for Keyword and Niche Research, Content Creation, Free Ebooks PLR Contents to recycle and use on your website, Royalty Free Music, Idea Generators, Marketing, And Traffic, Mobile, Paid Traffic, SEO, Software, Utilities, Video, Web 2.0/Social Media, Website Graphics, WordPress and many more.

Make Money Online Paid Tools that I Use

  1. Get expired domains to create your Website
  2. Create SEO-optimized articles on any topic or any niche.
  3. Fiverr – Affordable gigs to create your logos and product images
  4. SEO and Backlinking
  5. Strictly for Backlinking
  6. Sophisticated and complete SEO tool to rank your Websites
  7. Buy the cheapest domain
  8. Wordtracker
  9. Web hosting service

Make Money Online Free Tools that I use

  1. Traffic Travis Pro
  2. SEO FREEtools.com
  3. https://www.spyfu.com
  4. https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo/how-search-engines-operate
  5. https://www.worthofweb.com/calculator/
  6. https://www.semrush.com/
  7. https://flippa.com/signup
  8. https://flippa.com/help/contract-of-sale
  9. https://thenextinternetbillionaire.com/WordPress
  10. https://adwords.com/select/KeywordToolExternal
  11. https://www.alexa.com
  12. https://builtwith.com/
  13. https://www.copyscape.com/
  14. https://www.teamviewer.com
  15. https://www.skype.com/
  16. https://www.archive.org/web/web.php
  17. https://www.Amazon.com
  18. https://advertise.bingads.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/tools/bing-ads-intelligence
  19. Kompozer

Make Money Online Programs that I Recommend

  1. Affilorama – By Mark Ling
  2. Prosperative Membership – By Jon

Make Money Online Marketing Tools

  1. Free Scripts For Everything You Need to Succeed Online – www.JavaScriptKit.com

Make Money Online Sellable Domain Tools

  1. Domainr  https://domainr.com
  2. Ubersuggest ubersuggest.org

Content Management Systems

  1. WordPress https://wordpress.org/
  2. Joomla! http://www.joomla.org/
  3. Drupal https://www.drupal.org/

Amazon Book Sale Geo-Targeting

  1. Create multi-region Kindle eBooks Links

Plugin for WordPress

  1. 15-point startup checklist
  2. Getting Started with WordPress wp
  3. WordPress support wp
  4. First steps with WordPress wp
  5. learn.wordpress.com wp
  6. LearnToCodeWith.me

Tools for Site Memberships

  1. wordpress.org/plugins/membership wp
  2. chrislema.com/best-wordpress-membership-plugin-2015
  3. s2member.com


  1. wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-e-commerce wp
  2. woothemes.com/woocommerce
  3. wpecommerce.org


  1. torquemag.io/best-web-analytics-tools-wordpress


  1. yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo
  2. wordpress.org/plugins/seo-automatic-seo-tools wp
  3. wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack wp


  1. wordpress.org/plugins/zingiri-forum wp
  2. wpbeginner.com/plugins/5-best-forum-plugins-for-wordpress

Managing comments

  1. wordpress.org/plugins/bulk-comments-management wp
  2. en.support.wordpress.com/manage-comments wp
  3. www.webreference.com/authoring/wordpress-comment

Social networks

  1. wordpress.org/plugins/tags/social-networking wp
  2. modernwpthemes.com/7-best-free-wordpress-social-media-plugin
  3. wordpress.org/plugins/wp-symposium-pro wp

 Email integration

  1. wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smtp wp
  2. Search WordPress for email plugins wp
  3. en.support.wordpress.com/add-email wp

Results types

  1. Google Advanced Search http://www.google.com/advanced_search
  2. Google list of search operators http://www.googleguide.com/advanced_operators_reference.html
  3. Guide to Google advanced search operators http://www.googleguide.com/using_advanced_operators.html
  4. Google Hacking for Penetration Testers http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-europe-05/BH_EU_05-Long.pdf

Tools for Indexing

Stop words https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_words

Tools For Merchants:

  • Google Alerts – Google Alerts can be used as a potential recruitment tool. Look for websites that would be an excellent fit for the program.
  • Publisher Discovery – Advertisers can see which publishers link to competitor websites and which affiliates create content about relevant keywords for your business.
  • Uniqodo – Uniqodo manages coupon codes and enables advertisers to go beyond simple engagement to work with content sites and influencers.
Tools For Affiliates:
  • Monotote – Monotote allows users to purchase at the point of inspiration by allowing buy buttons to be added to images and videos. The ability to purchase directly from the publisher’s site keeps the user in the publisher’s experience, where they are likely most familiar.
  • Gift Cards – Gift CloudLoyalty Bay, and Reward Cloud all allow advertisers to offer gift cards to their users. For example, if a user buys headphones over £100, they will receive a £20 iTunes voucher. Look beyond discounts and present publishers with a different type of offer to promote.
  • Pouch – Pouch is a browser extension that allows advertisers to appear on any site they see as relevant and serve consumers a coupon code to further entice them to purchase.

Header Tools

Capitalize My Title

Making title capitalization easy. Automatically capitalize and case convert to Title Case (in AP, APA, Chicago, MLA), sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase, and more.


ShareThrough Headlines
