Affiliate Policy

At, we are a strong believer in transparency on the web, so we want to say up front that we may earn a sales commission when you order a product or service that we’ve reviewed, at NO additional cost to you, after clicking a link to the product from our site. Our goal At is to provide top quality information to help you reach your goals. Please understand that I am doing this as a for-profit business, and quite frankly, so should you…unless you are doing it for a charitable endeavor.

Some of the affiliate programs that we take part in are ran through third party affiliate networks such as and the Amazon Partner Network. Others are ran through the product owners shopping cart system, like and Still others are ran via their own in-house affiliate system. This usually works by a cookie being set in your browser via the links on our website (cookies are normal, and used for many other legitimate reasons by most websites) that tells the product owner’s affiliate system that we referred you.

You do not Pay More
The sales commissions that we do earn are not at your expense. In other words, you do not pay anymore by ordering through our links that you would have paid if you had ordered directly through the site to begin with. In fact, most times we reveal discounts that can save you money. We only recommend the things that have helped us to be successful and will always uphold this level of integrity as we go forward with

Our Pledge of Honesty
We will NEVER sell your email. We will never collect any sensitive personally identifying information from you. Though we all deal with a certain level of bias, especially when the opportunity to make money is present, we sincerely do our best to provide honest reviews on products that we sincerely recommend. If you would like us to review any particular product, feel free to click the “contact us” link at the top of the page to send your request our way. We can’t guarantee we’ll review it, but we’ll certainly consider it.

Considering that there are lots of contents throughout this blog, it would be near impossible to list every affiliate link used. So, for the purposes of simplicity, you should assume that any link leading you to services or products are an affiliate link and that we will receive a commission if you decide to purchase, which I hope that you do.

If you have any question(s) regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us through our contact page. You can find us on Facebook, and Twitter.

Thanks, guys and as always, you are amazing!