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Ben Wellington: Making data mean more through storytelling

Data stories are the new way of telling information. It is more than just numbers and statistics, but a narrative-driven story with an emotional touch to it.

Data visualization is not enough anymore. People need to be able to understand data in a more holistic manner that helps them make decisions that are better for them. Data storytelling is the best way to do this because it creates an emotional connection between people and data, making it easier for the audience to understand the significance of what they are seeing.

Data is often thought of as something that is “boring” and “complicated,” but by telling a story with your data, you can make it more engaging and relatable. We use storytelling to make complex topics easier to understand, and we can apply this same principle to data.

– “Stories help us make sense of the world” – “Stories are what give our lives meaning.”

– Anne Lamott in “Bird by Bird”

– Denise Shekerjian in “Ordinary People as Leaders”

– Malcolm Gladwell, in his TED Talk on “The Art of Storytelling”

To make sure you’re ready for this significant shift in storytelling, here are four tips for telling data-driven stories effectively:

1) Make your story relevant

2) Start with the question

3) Create a clear narrative arc

4) Tell the story with visuals

In conclusion, storytelling is an essential human skill. We are storytellers by nature, telling the stories of our lives to each other to make sense of our world. And now that data is a vital part of our world; it’s time for us to tell the stories that data tell – to bring meaning and insight out of numbers.

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