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How To Find Profitable Affiliate Niches

Internet Marketing: Finding a Profitable Niche

I would also like to congratulate you on your decision to be an affiliate marker. I developed this page, which is also available as a free report; specifically for the new affiliates, or aspiring affiliates.  Once again, congratulations on taking the first step to your financial independence.  Before I get into the details of how to find profitable niches, I’d like to briefly define some terms which will be of help to you as you read along. The definitions I am about to share with you are very important, such that I cannot overlook it. I personally dislike boring long notes; I like to go straight to the point.  The earlier I make my point, the better you’ll understand. Without wasting much time, let’s get started.  I am going to define keyword, niche, and affiliate marketing, and then; I am going to get into the nifty gritty of how to find profitable affiliate niches by focusing our attention to digital products.


Keyword is a word used as a reference point for further information or as an indication of the contents of a document. As simple as it sounds, it is the gateway to your success.


Niche, as applied to marketing is a specialized market: an area of the market specializing in one type of product or service. This means, you cannot be a master of all trades if you want to make it in affiliate marketing. For beginners, you need to focus your attention on one field at a time, drill down and get the most of the said product or service. Let’s say you want to make money from the medical field, all you have to do is drill down till you find a department that has lots of profitable keywords. Like I mentioned earlier, you can use the Free Google Keyword tool, or you can use Wordtracker Free keyword tool. I personally use Wordtracker.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate or associate marketing is one of many forms of marketing that you can practice with the aim of generating and earning commissions by promoting other people’s products. To be a good affiliate marketer, you must master the basics of marketing, which includes psychology. I hardly hear marketers talk about psychology as part of affiliate marketing training, but I assure you, it’s one of the most important and overlooked fundamentals of affiliate marketing.

In affiliate marketing, you are a middle man between people who needs certain goods/services and the provider. Again, the basic rule of supply and demand should always be taken into consideration.

A typical example of demand is shown below. Let’s assume a customer is having problems with his/her Tea-Cup Chihuahua and she turns to the internet to search for the solutions to her problem, the search will look something like “aggressive Tea Cup Chihuahua” into Bing and Google, and maybe into other search engines.

Fig.1 Shows customer searching through Bing Database for solution for “aggressive tea cup chihuahua”


Fig.2 Shows customer searching through Google Database for solution(s)



As an active affiliate marketer, if you do your keyword research properly, you’ll discover this particular golden long-tail keyword “aggressive tea cup Chihuahua” that the customer typed into the search engine, querying the search engine for solutions. All you have to do is to serve the customer with the best possible solution at your disposal, which brings me to the main topic, “How to find a profitable Niche”. Your solution could be in the form of pay-per-click, or through Web site development, or through several other means. For the sake of complexity, I’ll simply restrict myself to Clickbank and Amazon.com

I used both Google and Bing as my reference because they are the two big search giants, so to say. What you see above is what someone that’s got a problem relating to Tea Cup Chihuahua would do, they will go to Google, Bing or another search engine to type in their problem or maybe they’ll type in a physical product they’re looking for or something else. This is where you come into play by providing them with the right solution for their problem.  When they type in their problem, like “aggressive Tea Cup Chihuahua”, they’ll see my website, or my pay per click advertisement, or my pay-per-call, or any other kind of advertising medium I decide to use. If I use my Web site as the portal to delivering the solutions to the customer, then my Web site comes up right at the top of the search (It has to be optimized for that particular keyword).

You can learn more about keyword and Web site on-page optimization at keyword academy. Considering the fact that people like to stay with the first result that pops up on Google, they would click through to my well optimized Web site.  After arriving on my Web site, some of them will simply read the contents or articles I have on my Web site and leave, while some of them will proceed and click through to the advertised affiliate links on my Web site.  It’s that simple.  A small percentage of the people who visit my Web site will go ahead and buy one or more of the products that I recommend on that particular page. It pays to buy and test most of the products you want to promote before you embark on the promotion journey. Send me an email if you wish to learn more about affiliate marketing and how to be a successful affiliate marketer. I don’t blow my whistle, the result speak for itself. Now let’s get you started ASAP. I want you to follow step by step all the way. You might learn a thing or two.

Finding Niches on ClickBank

The first thing you need to do is visit www.ClickBank.com and click on the link at the top labeled “Marketplace” as shown in Fig.3 below



On the marketplace page, you’ll see the navigating buttons to the left. From here you can pick a category – any category that interests you. In this case, I’m going to pick ‘Parenting and Families’. In this category, set the filter to gravity between 8 and 35, and the average sale to a minimum of $20. You’ll find the filter to the left of the marketplace page.  This means that at least some sales are being made and not too much competition. The next step is to check out the sales process for the products that you’re interested in promoting. I personally would not sell something I cannot use to someone else. I implore you to do the same. Check the sale page of each of the products you are about to promote. You basically want to find out for yourself whether or not people will likely buy any of the products advertised on the sale page. This led us to sales page criteria

Sales Page Criteria

 Opt-in box to collect visitors information

In the case of the first Web site sales page that I opened (which is actually a video), it has an opt-in box. This can be a good thing as it means the vendor is trying to collect visitors’ email addresses, and this means that they can follow up and make more conversions for you so you can earn more commissions. You can’t really tell if the product will convert very well until you promote it. In most cases, the video sales pages do convert very well.

 Recurring Commission

To get the best of your hard work on the computer, you need to try and promote products that have recurring commission because you can keep making money from the same sale over and over again.

 Social Link Prove of the Product

Buyers become interested in a product when they see their friends have clicked on the like link, or at least that it is on the social media.

After completing the filtration process on the Clickbank sale page, simply move on to the next step, which is the keyword research.

 More Opportunities

A very good product usually has more opportunities at the back end. Look at the sale landing page that looks more like a portal to a lot of different pages or more products. If it has more products to offer, take advantage and promote the individual products. NEVER LEAVE MONEY ON THE TABLE – I am not shouting, only stressing it.

Keyword Research

This is my favorite part, which happens to be most people worst nightmare. Visit the keyword academy to learn all that is to know about keyword. It’s my favorite part because it is what makes the difference between your success and failure. You do this right; you get the best juice in the market

Let’s get started by opening your browser and search for Google keyword tool. It’s a free keyword tool from Google. It’s good to have a Google account to prevent your keyword research limitation. Make sure you did not sign into your Google account before you start the inquiry. Set the filter to the left hand side to “Broad Match” to have a glance on the amount of global searches. If the global search is more than 100,000 then there is potential growth in that market. In this case, I typed in “toddlers” and fortunately the result is encouraging.

See the picture below. I got 6,120,000 for global searches and 4,090,000 for local monthly searches


With this kind of search, it’s a huge market that will keep bringing in money again and again and again. Now, I want you to remember that this is the broad market, and as part of my criteria to select the niche keyword, it must have a search higher than 100,000 monthly.

Deeper Research

Now that we have the main number at over 6M searches for the word “toddler”, let’s dig deeper to zero in on our money keyword. Using Clickbank as an example, from the picture shown below, I picked on the product “Talking to Toddlers”. So now, let’s copy and paste that specific keyword “Talking to Toddlers” back into Google keyword research editor to see what we get as shown below.


From my experience, although the search number is small for the specific targeted keyword, the gravity on the Clickbank page says otherwise. This particular keyword product has a gravity of 11.29 with almost no refunds. So I say it’s a go. Remember, always go to the affiliates resources area so make sure that you check to see if these individual websites that are in ClickBank actually have their own affiliates area, because sometimes that can be the difference between making great profits and not.

So far we’ve just looked at niches that have lower competition and they can be great. But also, equally, some of the most lucrative niches often have high competition. So we’re talking about maybe over 100 affiliates that are succeeding in promoting a particular product and that’s because it converts extremely well.

The second stage of our research is finding more highly paid products that convert very well. To achieve this goal, we’ll set the filter to a minimum of 25 and a maximum of 100+. The products with high gravity are guaranteed to convert. Another way of researching for hot product is through Amazon.com in which you could use the same keyword above to search for hot product(s).

The keyword we are working on above is “talking to toddlers” so type ‘talking to toddlers” into Amazon.com search box and see what comes up. See the picture below.


The particular book in question has 13 reviews, which is not bad for a long tail keyword. Considering the fact that not every customer that purchase a book from Amazon goes back to review the book. Let’s put it at 1% of those purchased came back to review the book. At 1% rate; the book must have been sold to 1300 customers. 13 out of 1300 customers came back to review the book; which is the worst scenario.

The bottom line advice on how to find a profitable niche should depend on what is selling at that moment. Do some sort of reverse engineering and work your way back.

  1. Check Clickbank/Amazon.com or other digital download networks for hot products in any vertical field using the filter system I mentioned above.
  2. Use Wordtracker, Google Keyword Extractor, or Traffic Travis to explore the “major” keyword of the product you chose; as shown in the picture above.
  3. Drill down on the chosen keyword to evaluate the search share. This process will assist you in making your final decision.
  4. After getting your hot product, your keyword, and the market share, your next step would be to start with your marketing blueprint. The marketing blueprint is a whole different ball game that needs proper attention. You are about to build a business, not a hobby.To learn how to build and market your Web site, you need to commit your time more

than just reading a PDF report as this one. You need a very good membership Web site to hold you by the hand and walk you through the whole process. I specifically designed and developed Web Marketing Blueprint membership site for the sake of those who have never made a dime online before. If you have not made money before online, or you would like to increase what you are making presently, then I believe you should be a member of Web Marketing Blueprint.

Web Marketing Blueprint is not open to the public yet; and it’s strictly by invitation. It’s not for everyone. It’s for “newbies” who have never made a dime online before; not for the self acclaimed GURUS .

You can request to be on my waiting list by sending your request to TheNextInternetBillionaire.Com and I’ll notify you as soon as the doors become open to the public.  Look out for your special invitation.  Talk to you soon!

To Your Success